Sunday 4 October 2015

Investment Planning

Give a man a bow and arrow and tell him to, “SHOOT!” and his first response would be, “At what?”  When there is no target there is no purpose for shooting. But give him a target and challenge him to hit the bulls- eye & everything changes.

You now gave him something to aim at, something to challenge his skills against, something to measure his progress with, and something that gives all of his efforts a purpose. Simply by adding a target! This is what a goal does to a person.

They say, “A goal properly set is halfway reached”. It’s true. Children are able to do their homework regularly because it is written in their diary and majority adults do not achieve what they want because they do not write it down. Writing is a must. Write on a napkin, your desk, bus ticket but write down your goal. 

You must be wondering why in “Investment Planning” we are talking about Goal setting. Simply because these two are inter-derived & inter-dependent. The basic is to invest by having your goals conscious in your mind, that’s it.

We have always adopted a prudent and disciplined investment strategy with a strong focus on quality rather than speculation, and therefore our advice and strategies are designed to ride through all market cycles, the good and the bad, and remain intact over the lifetime of our clients. 

Our investment philosophy is based upon high caliber research performed completely independently of banks, insurance companies and finance houses. We also have our own in-house investment committee to analyse and act on the information we receive to ensure it is consistent with your needs.

Any Investment you make must ensure that it follows the below “circle of Investment Planning”
We work hard to earn money to fulfill our personal & family goals. So, what is the use of working 10-12 hours a day when you are unable to fulfill your goals?

“Give your Goals wings to fly & your money a chance to grow”

When you work hard to earn lots of money then why not give a chance to let money your work for you? Invest your hard earned money today and receive an absolute peace of mind along with receiving an absolute rise in your overall wealth management immediately with Value Wealth Advisory Services, We leave no stone unturned in assisting you to fulfill your Life Goals.

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